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Argumentation in Waltz's ‘Emerging Structure of International Politics’”, (co-authored with Wolska, Magdalena/ Bernd Fröhlich/ Katrin Girgensohn/ Sassan Gholiagha/ Dora Kiesel/ Jürgen Neyer/ Patrick Riehmann/ Mitja Sienknecht/ Benno Stein)


„Forschendes Lernen mit KI im Sozialwissenschaftlichen KI-Labor für Forschendes Lernen (SKILL): Konzeptionspapier Hochschuldidaktik“ [Research-based learning with AI in the Social Science AI Laboratory for Research-based Learning (SKILL): Concept paper on higher education didactics], (co-authored with Girgensohn, Katrin/ Margret Mundorf/ Julius Voigt/ Bernd Fröhlich/ Dora Kiesel/ Jürgen Neyer/ Irene López García/ Patrick Riehmann/ Mitja Sienknecht/ Benno Stein/ Matti Wiegmann/ and Magdalena A. Wolska).


 conference paper: Magdalena Wolska, Bernd Fröhlich, Katrin Girgensohn, Sassan Gholiagha, Dora Kiesel, Juergen Neyer, Patrick Riehmann, Mitja Sienknecht, Benno Stein (2024?) Argumentation in Waltz’s "Emerging Structure of International Politics" in Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA-2023) 

Weltpolitik im Umbruch - Eine Bestandsaufnahme neuer Formen multilateraler Krisenbewältigung (Collaborative Student Article) by: Mayar Alaraishi, Mehmet Er, Simon Festag, Toghrul Hasanzade, Kathleen Lang, Sean Low, Jürgen Neyer, Christian Palenda, Hendrik Rebitzer, Anita Swierczynski, Julius Voigt.  Forschung zu Wissenserwerb und Lehr-/Lernprozessen (4). DOI:

Link to article


Do Arguments Migrate? Using NLP for Understanding Academia”, in: Ventulani, Zygmunt and Paroubek, Patrick (eds): Human language technologies as a challenge for computer science and linguistics, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, p. 191-195, (co-authored with Sassan Gholiagha and Jürgen Neyer)
